Final Blog Work

While I was reading The Old Man and the Sea, in the beginning I wasn’t sure about Hemingway’s progression of the book because I felt confused in some parts of his novel. As I continued to read more of his book, I learned some things such as fishing can not only build a bond with people or can be a powerful healer from a traumatizing time that can put in my everyday life or someone else’s life. This book is an excellent novel overall for someone that may like fishing with someone else, to have another father figure in their life, go on adventures that take you somewhere, and many more.  One of my favorite quotes from the novel is, “Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.” This is my favorite quote because you don’t know how every day  will be because of how unexpected things will be in your life. Take risks, try new things, meet new people, and and enjoy the life you have.

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